Monday, March 11, 2013

My first show!

Managing shows I get these emails all the time:
I'm so sorry to bother you, but I've never shown dressage.  I'm normally a (fill in blank usually hunter) rider but this looks cool (or my hunter/jumper horse is trying to kill me and I need a less dangerous sport).  

First off never be sorry to ask questions!  That's how we learn.  I was in the same boat as you.  I was a hunter/jumper rider who dabbled in dressage.  My mare who is a very scopy jumper was a dirty ducker.  So I ended up in the dirt way too much and so I needed something less dangerous.  I always liked dressage but when forced with a career change I started to love it.  

Here are often the questions I get asked:

What do I wear?
You'll see that some people will always wear full show attire.  But you don't have too.  For dressage that's a dressage jacket (usually black), helmet (approved!), white breeches, white gloves, tall boots, stocktie, and pin.

But we're a schooling show.  My friend Danica (showing at Quantico) is wearing suitable attire for this level.  Polo shirt, breeches, and tall boots.
Paddock boots and Half-chaps are perfectly fine.  
Braiding is optional.  

Another common question.
Where can I get the tests?  
I always recommend for someone who's never shown to enter intro level.  It's a nice way to learn the letters, to learn the sport and get your feet wet.  
USDF manages Intro level tests and some specialty tests: USDF Dressage Tests

USEF manages Training levels-4th Level .  

Now there are another organization that has dressage test, FEI.  But normally most folks use the USDF and USEF tests at schooling show level.  

Prix Caprilli (dressage tests with jumps):

Arena layout
Two arena types.  Intro levels and most USEA tests are done in the small arena.

I hope that helps!  

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