I would like to say thank you to everyone who came out. It was a gorgeous day.
Dancing Draft Photography was the photographer of the day.
May 26th Results
Judge: Lea Ann Hansen “r”
Introductory Test A
1st-Kymberly Schott & PS I Love You-64.687%
2nd-Abby Carter & Airabesque-61.875%
3rd-Kayla Marbert & Walk This Way-59.375%
Introductory Test B, Section A
1st-Kim Abel & Glenhaven’s Danny Boy-66.562%
2nd-Kymberly Schott & PS I Love You-63.437%
3rd-Abby Carter & Airabesque-57.50%
Introductory Test B, Section B
1st-Lori Hancock & Roxy-68.75%
2nd-Beverly Ogden & Tully Cross Calieb-66.25%
3rd-Abby Carter & Riddle Me This-61.562%
4th-Kelly Meade & Clarimound-60.312%
5th-Kim Abel & Tess Tarrgon-59.375%
Intro C and Training 1 comb.
1st-Kellly Meade & Clarimound-65.625% (Training 1)
2nd-Beverly Ogden & Tully Cross Calieb-60.75% (Intro C)
3rd-Emmy Paterson-Beckham-58.833% (Training 1)
4th-Emmy Paterson & Beckham-57.00% (Intro C)
1st-Sharon Munroes & Sirrus-71.071% (Training 2)
2nd-Sharon Munroes & Sirrus-69.00% (Training 3)
3rd-Sherri Valsamis & Picasso-62.419% (1st Level 3)
4th-Sherri Valsamis & Picasso-60.405% (1st Level 2)
5th-Katelyn Valsamis & Primetime Cowboy-58.928% (Training 2)
6th-Katelyn Valsamis & Primetime Cowboy-58.60% (Training 3)
1st-Laura Mahoney & MD Grace E-63.846% (Prix Caprilli Training)
2nd-Laura Mahoney & MD Grace E-61.00% (MFS Training)
3rd-Barbara Park & Garland’s Gal-56.711% (3rd Level 1)
High Score of the Day: Sharon Munroes & Sirrus-71.071% (Training 2)